Monday, 6 July 2015

Green Smoothie - Pear, Banana, Spinach - Vegan

Most of us have seen or read a post about the benefits of drinking a green smoothie. Leafy greens are high in Vitamins and Minerals in addition to being a great source of fiber. The leaves can be a little bit bitter and a green paste is not what you want to drink. That is where the fruits come to play. They add some sweetness to the drink in addition to increasing the number of 5 a day that you are consuming. Other things I am planning to do it to add things like peanut butter (yumm), flax seeds, cinnamon, ginger.

We as a family are pretty good at consuming our greens. When i say that, I do not mean that we all love a bowl of salad. That's where things get tricky. We make loads of sides with spinach, broccoli etc. And we all love it. But when it comes to raw greens, we all say a big no. I have meant to try these green smoothies for a long long time. I even buy all the ingredients for making one, but never end up making it.

Recently I read an article about it in a magazine and wanted to give it a go. The interesting thing is when I made it, I actually did not taste the spinach at all. Awesome. Now hopefully (fingers crossed), I will make many many variations of this Green Goddess! Are you with me? Lets do this together.

Ingredients (Makes 2 medium cups or 1 tall cup)

Spinach 2 cups
Banana 1 big sliced and frozen (about 1 cup)
Pear 1 (about 2 cups)
Coconut water 1 cup

Method of Preparation

1. I have used a food processor for this. A blender works better I think. Adding Vitamix to my shopping list. :-)

2. Add the spinach with the liquid and blend. I worked the spinach first before adding liquid. You can also use water here.

3. Add the fruits and blend till smooth and combined.

Pour into a tall glass and sip away!

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