Monday 26 August 2013

Gujarati Thali

Gujarat is a state in the Western Side of India. I have special love for that state cause I was born there and my mother grew up there. Though I have not lived there, I have great memories of my childhood holidays spent there.

When Avant Garde Cookies decided to make Thali for this week, I knew I wanted to try Gujarati Thali. I usually make Tamil Thali and Kerala Thali. But I have never been bold enough to try a Thali from another state. This experience has given me the confidence to try out more Thali.

Before I proceed to describe the Thali, let me first say a very very Big Thank You to Vaishaliji. She is a blogger who blogs at Ribbons and Pastas. She helped me come up with the items in this Thali. I have tried to stick to her ideas and have tried to make as Authentic Gujarati as possible. I am posting the Thali today. I will add the individual dishes in the next few days and link back to this post. Stay Tuned!!

Dishes Prepared

Chaas - Buttermilk flavoured with cumin, green chillies, ginger and hing

Gol Papdi - Made with Wheat Flour, Ghee and Jaggery. It is supposed to be square in shape. it did not quite set for me. So I rolled it into a ball.

Shrikhand - Thickened Yogurt with sugar and cardamom

Side Dishes
Batata Nu Shaak - Potato Curry
Tindora Nu Shaak - Tindora Curry

Gujarati Dal - Toor Dal cooked with Gujarati Flavours

Dhokla - Steamed Besan or Chickpea flour
Leele Chutney - Green Chutney made with coriander and peanuts
Kachumber - Indian Salad with onions,tomatoes,cucumber tossed in lemon juice

Rotli - Thin Roti made with Wheat Flour 


  1. Hey, that looks yummy! That thali makes me want to come your place:)

  2. Brilliant. Lucky both the boys who got to relish all this. And tipping my hat off to you for your patience and organisation

  3. impressive! I was just staring at those yummy dishes for 2 minutes!

  4. Love any thaali, how I wish I can eat now.
