Thursday 8 December 2011

Bread Upma

I was not really in a mood for a multi dish cooking. And I looked in the fridge and there was a packet of bread. It was bought 3-4 days ago and with no sign of being consumed. I keep buying bread cause my son sometimes insists that he will not eat anything but toast in the morning. And last week he did not eat any. I completely forgot about it and the whole packet was used to feed ducks in a nearby pond. I have to say, we had a really great time sitting there and feeding the ducks. Anyways, I was determined not to waste bread this week. So decided to make Upma with it and had Kesari for sweet.


Bread slices 8 numbers
Onion 1 big finely chopped
Mixed vegetables 3 cups. I heat my frozen vegetables in the microwave for 15 min.
Tomatoes 2 finely chopped
Chilli powder 1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves for Garnish

For Tempering
Mustard 1tsp
Jeera 1 tsp
Turmeric 1 tsp
Hing - little
finely chopped green chillies, ginger and curry leaves
peanuts or cashews 10

Method of Preparation

1. Heat oil in a Pan and add the mustard. When it sputters, add peanuts or cashews.

2. When it is slightly browned, add the Jeera, green chillies, ginger, curry leaves, Turmeric Powder and Hing.

3. Saute for a few seconds and add the onions.

4. Once the onions are slightly browned, add the tomatoes.

5. When they are cooked, add the mixed vegetables, chilli powder and salt and cook for a few minutes. Garnish with coriander leaves.

6. In the meanwhile, slightly toast the bread. (It should not be too hard, just enough to get the softness and mushiness out of the bread). I just stuck it into the toaster. Cut it into small pieces. I made around 12 pieces of each bread.

7. Just before eating, add the toast into the mix prepared in step 5. This will prevent the bread from becoming soggy.

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