Saturday 14 April 2012

Vishu Celebration and Menu

Iniya Tamil Puttandu Nal Vazhthukkal!! (Wishing you all a Happy New Year)
Vishu Ashamsakal!! (Happy Vishu)

Chittirai is the first month of Tamil Calendar, hence this is Tamil New Year. Vishu is a spring festival in Kerala. It falls on the first day of the month Medam. This is not New Year in Kerala. Kerala New Year is in the month of Chingam (Aug-Sept) during which Onam is celebrated.

The two most important aspects of Vishu are the Vishu Kani and Vishu Kaineettam. Vishu Kani is the first sight that you see in the morning of the Vishu day. The lady of the house sets everything up the previous night. Then on the morning, she wakes up early and lights diya in front of the Kani. Everyone in the house walk with closed eyes and come see the Kani first thing in the morning.

Lot of things go in the Kani. As you can see, we are doing the Kani in the western land. So not all traditional stuff feature in the kani. An important item is the Konna poo. (Due to unavailability I had to make do with some other yellow flower). Lot of fruits and vegetables are kept. Typical ones included banana, jackfruit, mango, cucumber. Rice and Toor dal are also kept. Gold, money etc are also added in to show prosperity. Traditionally all these go in a vessel called Urali. You can see a small version of it in my Kani (Toor dal is kept in that in mine). All these are presented in front of Lord Krishna.

Elders give younger ones Kaineettam (money). That is something all the kids look forward to.

Now to the important part for us!! The food..... A big feast is prepared. This is my humble attempt to recreate the yummy food.

Menu for the day : AvialVazhakka Thoran, Vendakka Mizhukkuavarati, Parippu Kari, Mambazha Pulisheri, Sambar, Rasam, Pavakka Kichadi.

I will present to you the recipes for the above in the coming days.


  1. Happy Vishu wishes, lovely spread Roshni..Looks absolutely divine.

  2. Happy Vishu ...very iviting ... awesome clicks
