Tuesday 19 February 2013

Pineapple Payasam - Pineapple Kheer - Pineapple Pudding

Pineapple is one fruit I love when it sweet and hate when it is sour. And after many bad experiences I almost stopped buying them. My son loves it and I keeps asking for it at all weird times. So I now always have a stock of canned pineapple chunks. I know it is not the same, but it satisfies his craving and I am happy that he has eaten some fruits.

This week for AGC, Jayanthi gave me a secret ingredient of Pineapple and milk. I wanted to make a pudding of sorts with custard. But as with most months, I end up with a simple dish for the week the secret ingredient is given and make a more elaborate one some other week. I guess need more effort planning :-)

I was quite impressed by the result this simple payasam had. It took the simple semiya payasam to a whole new level. Never thought they (pineapple and milk) will go so well.


Semiya/Vermicelli 1/2 cup
Milk 3 cups
Water 1 cup
Condensed Milk 1 can (400gm)
Ghee 1 tbsp
Pineapple chunks finely chopped (1 can)
Pineapple juice from the can 1/2 cup
Saffron a few stands
Vanilla essence 1 tsp
Cardamom powder 1/8 tsp

Method of Preparation

1. Heat a pan and add the ghee.

2. Add the semiya and roast till it browns a little.

3. Add 1 cup of water. Simmer till the semiya is almost cooked.

4. Add the 3 cups of milk. Bring it to a boil. Simmer for a little while.

5. Add the condensed milk, saffron and cardamom powder. Mix well and simmer till it is a nice thick consistency.

6. Let this milk mix cool well.

7. Chop the pineapple into small bits. Add this to the cooled milk along with the juice and vanilla essence.

8. Mix well and Refrigerate.

Serve with Love!

Check out the other AGC thoughout this week 
AnushaJayanthiKavithaPriya MRadhikaVeenaPriya S


  1. yummy payasam...

  2. wow very tempting payasam,luks delicious...

  3. love the flavor of pineapple.. must be very delicious..

  4. love fruits in payasam looks yummy :)

  5. Interesting payasam...sounds very delicious n tempting...loved it!

  6. Payasam looks tempting and sounds inviting...

  7. good one roshni ; loved the card ur son & u crafted for the v-day :)

  8. Love your payasam PS. Looks awesome! Jayanthi(www.sizzlingveggies.com)

  9. Super payasam idea Rosh such a breather from the regular semiya and javarisi
