Tuesday 21 October 2014

Chocolate 7 Cup Cake - Chocolate Burfi - Diwali Sweet

Diwali is just a day away and I am totally enjoying making sweets to share with friends and family. Hope your Diwali preparations are coming along well. Wishing you all a very Happy and Prosperous Diwali!

Its another celebration in my blog. It is nearly 3 years old (just 2 more weeks). And this is my 601st post (well, I missed celebrating the 600th post)! I made the 7 cup cake and posted for you a couple of years back. This time I am presenting an even yummier version with some chocolate!

Ingredients (Makes 32 pieces)

Besan/Kadala Maavu 1 cup
Coconut 1 cup
Milk 1 cup
Ghee 1 cup
Sugar 3 cups
Cocoa Powder 1.5 tbsp

Method of Preparation

1. Grease a plate with ghee and keep ready. I usually use two 8*8 square cake tins. Perfect shape for all pieces.

2. Sieve besan into a pan. You can just add it. I sieve it cause it removes all lumps and makes mixing easy.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients to the pan. Mix well.

4. Place it over heat. You can initially keep it in high till it starts to boil. After that switch to medium heat and towards to final stages keep in low heat.

5. Keep stirring continuously. You will notice that it will start thickening. You basically keep stirring till the sweet leaves the sides of the pan. If you stop early, you will end up with a halwa like consistency. If you stir longer than required, it will be hard sweet. The right time to stop will come with practice.

6. Pour into the greased plate. At this stage it will still be a little watery. Don't worry. It will set in some time as it cools.

7. After 10-15 minutes draw small lines to cut into squares (or diamonds). Don't cut thru at this stage. Wait for it to cool some more.

8. Cut into pieces and store in an airtight box.