Monday 15 July 2013

Lemon and Basil Pasta Salad

Pasta Salad makes such a filling and refreshing meal. It does not have all the creaminess of the sauce, so it is quite light on your stomach. With fresh ingredients you can make a super healthy salad and yet not feel like you ate a salad. How amazing is that!

After making a protein rich fare with lentils and legumes last month, Palooza in a Pan picked Salads for the month of July. Stay tuned for 4 awesome Salads from me and my friends Anu and Radhika

Ingredients (Serves 4 as a meal)

Farfale (Or any type of Pasta) 300gm

Broccoli 1 head
Peas 1 cup
Cherry Tomato Quartered 10

Parmesan Cheese to serve

Lemon 1
Olive oil 1/3 cup
Basil leaves a small bunch
Salt a pinch
Pepper a pinch

Method of Preparation

1. Cook the pasta as per the package instructions. (Boil water. Add salt. Add Pasta. Give it a stir. Cook for 10-12 min. Save some pasta water. Drain the water).

2. In the final minutes of the pasta cooking, add the broccoli florets into it and cook for 2 minutes.

3. Once drained, rinse the pasta and broccoli in cold water to prevent further cooking.

4. Steam peas in the microwave for a minute or 2.

5. Halve or Quarter the cherry tomatoes.

6. In a bowl add the juice of lemon, grated lemon zest, olive oil, salt and pepper. Whisk to mix well.

7. Add the pasta and broccoli to the salad bowl. Add the peas and tomato. Add the dressing. Sprinkle chopped basil leaves. Mix well.

8. You can either mix in the parmesan cheese to the bowl or add while serving. I added while serving.

You can serve this at room temperature or chilled if you prefer. 


  1. Roshni!! i love that cheese on top and i could eat this all day. It has two things that i love the most except thayir sadam- pasta and cheese

  2. Darn!! Rosh the cheese lured me. pass me the bowl quick please.

  3. Delicious! Such a yummy but simple dish!

  4. Looks so tempting and delicious :-)
