Friday 30 December 2011

Grean Peas and Quinoa Soup

I used to make soups quite frequently when we were in US. Somehow have not made any in the last year in UK. My husband was asking me for the last couple of weeks - why don't you make some soup. My son also likes soup and bread. So I knew I have to start making again.

When I posted a couple of post for Priya's event CWS-Peas, my friend Sree asked me why don't you try and make Barley and Peas soup. I told her I will try. I do not have any barley at home. Never used it. Note to self - buy some and also look up all the blogs for different recipes. So I decided to make a soup with Peas and Quinoa.

Quinoa is a super healthy grain, packed with nutrients and super tasty as well. We were introduced to Quinoa a few years ago in a Whole Foods Store where they were having a cooking demo. We fell in love with it immediately. It is a south american grain. I mainly make an upma kind of dish with it. I had a friend who used to eat it instead of rice with sambar and vegetables.


Dried Peas 1 cup
Potato 1/2
Carrots 1
Onion 1/2
Celery 5 stacks
Quinoa 1/2 cup
Bay Leaf 1
Cumin Powder 1/2 tsp
Pepper Powder 1/2 tsp

Oil and Salt to taste

Method of Preparation

1. Soak the peas overnight and cook in pressure cooker. Make sure it is well cooked.

2. Boil 1 cup of water, add the quinoa and cook in low-medium heat till all the water is drained and quinoa is cooked. Let it sit for 10 min before using.

3. Cut the onions, potato, carrots and celery.

4. Heat a little oil in a pan. Add the cut vegetables and bay leaf and saute till the vegetables are almost cooked. Add a little water if required.

5. Add the cooked peas (along with the water in which it was cooked) and some additional water. You can use Vegetable stock as well. I avoid it these days due to the sodium content.

6. Also add salt, pepper powder and cumin powder. Simmer for a little while.

7. Add the cooked Quinoa  and cook for a couple more minutes.

Serve with Crusty Bread.

* I did not have parsley or coriander leaves. I would have added it if I did
* This was more like a 1 pot meal. So I made it really thick.

Linking this to CWS - Peas by Priya of Priya's Easy and Tasty recipes.




  2. Looks very yummy Rosh !! i will try this and let you know how it turns out for me...Happy New Year to you and all at home !

  3. Thanks guys.. I have not added many spices to it. Feel free to add more as per your taste. Next time, I might try a dry spice mix of thyme, parsley etc.
